O soldado em Israel guarda fielmente e protege a Terra Santa com sua vida, enquanto ele se conecta e coloca sua fé em D’us.
By Chana Rivka Hawkins
Chana Rivka began her journey to Judaism in her early 20s. At the same time, she began to paint. She took a break from painting when she married and had children, but later in life, when she moved to a Jewish community, the beauty of Judaism and the observant lifestyle motivated her to express her love for Torah through painting.
Creative works exploring life and Judaism composed by a spectrum of Jewish artists.
"The primary talent of an artist is his ability to step away from the externalities of the thing and, disregarding its outer form, gaze into its innerness and perceive its essence, and to be able to convey this in his painting.This is how an artist can serve his Creator." — The Rebbe